Tape Label Studio 2019

Tape Label Studio 2019

Tape Label Studio 2019 is on its way

Tape Label Studio 2 was released in April 2017 – this was like 2 years ago. Wow. Now it is time to move on.
We started from scratch. We chose a different technology. We created Tape Label Studio 2019!
No, sorry, it is not ready yet! But… Tape Label Studio 2019 will be released this quarter, Q2 / 2019!

First things first. Every customer that bought Tape Label Studio 2 in the year 2019 will get a free upgrade to Tape Label Studio 2019! So, no need to wait until we release the new version. Buy now, upgrade for free later.

So you may ask what’s new? Simply everything.

  • Complete new code base and design. No more messy layouts on UHD displays or when using scaling. Everything looks shiny and new.
  • Replaced old xml file base with new json based files. Faster, easier, more reliable. But you can’t use any old styles or templates, sorry…
  • Redesigned Automatic and Advanced Modes. Create new labels easier and faster than ever before.
  • Redesigned Color Styles Editor, Border Styles Editor and Templates Editor. Design your labels the way you like.
  • Brand new InfoLabel Editor. You asked for it. Here it is.
  • Redesigned CustomTexts. No need to have custom texts in some text file on your desktop any more.
  • Trial version limitations are (almost) gone. We removed all limitations except for the 5 labels limit.
  • Light and Dark mode. Working late at night? No problem. Tape Label Studio got a dark theme now!
  • Ghost Labels. What’s that? Tape Label Studio shows how much space is left on your document.
  • New machine based translations included for English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Norwegian, Dutch, Chinese, Finnish, Italian, Korean, Swedish and Turkish (better than nothing, huh?)

This doesn’t seem to be quite a lot. But this list is not even remotely complete and it took almost 2 years for the change to take place.



When is the release date?

Q2 of 2019.

Do the currently available editions change in any way?

No, Tape Label Studio 2019 will be available as Home, Standard, Professional and Enterprise Editions.

Does the pricing change?


Will there be a free upgrade?

Yes and No. Customers that bought Tape Label Studio 2 in the year 2019 will get a free upgrade to Tape Label Studio 2019. All others can upgrade at reduced prices, depending on their version and edition.

I can’t wait, what should I do?

While you are waiting for the release you can enjoy the following screenshots. There is nothing more you can do…