Advanced Options
Stretch Barcode to Maximum Use Checksum Character in Barcode Antialiasing for Graphics, Texts and Borders Antialiasing for Barcode Ok Button Close Button

Stretch Barcode to Maximum

If your barcode reader does not recognize all characters correctly you can try this option so the barcode gets printed larger.

Use Checksum Character in Barcode

If your tape library requires a checksum character in the barcode check this box.

Antialiasing pour les graphiques, les textes et les bordures

Check if you want to print text and graphics smoothly. This option can safely be set as it does not reduce the clarity of the barcode.

Anticrénelage pour code à barres

Check this option if you want to print the barcode smoothly. While this may cause problems with barcode readers, we don't recomment setting this option.

Bouton OK

Cliquez sur le bouton Ok pour appliquer les modifications apportées.

Bouton Fermer

Cliquez sur le bouton de fermeture pour quitter la boîte de dialogue sans appliquer aucune modification.