Welcome - Tape Label Studio
This menu item takes you to Tape Label Studio's page d'accueil with quick links to the Documentation, automatique et advanced modes, last used documents, updates and license.
Create Labels - Automatic Mode
This menu item takes you to Tape Label Studio's mode automatique vous permettant de créer rapidement et facilement des étiquettes identiques.
Create Labels - Advanced Mode
This menu item takes you to Tape Label Studio's mode avancé où vous pouvez créer des étiquettes entièrement personnalisables.
Design Labels - Color Styles Editor
Design Labels - Border Styles Editor
Design Labels - Templates Editor
Design Labels - Info Label Editor
Design Labels - LabelDescriptions Editor
Miscellaneous - Printer Calibration
Miscellaneous - Options
Miscellaneous - License
Miscellaneous - About
Miscellaneous - Send Feedback
Select this menu item to close Tape Label Studio. If you have any unsaved work left Tape Label Studio will ask you to save or dismiss any changes made.
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Click this button to close the main menu.