Main Menu
Welcome - Tape Label Studio Create Labels - Automatic Mode Create Labels - Advanced Mode Design Labels - Color Styles Editor Design Labels - Border Styles Editor Design Labels - Templates Editor Design Labels - Info Label Editor Design Labels - LabelDescriptions Editor Miscellaneous - Printer Calibration Miscellaneous - Options Miscellaneous - License Miscellaneous - About Miscellaneous - Send Feedback Exit Light and Dark Theme Close Main Menu

Welcome - Tape Label Studio

This menu item takes you to Tape Label Studio's welcome page with quick links to the документация, automatic а также advanced modes, last used documents, updates and license.

Create Labels - Automatic Mode

This menu item takes you to Tape Label Studio's автоматический режим позволяет быстро и легко создавать одинаково выглядящие этикетки.

Create Labels - Advanced Mode

This menu item takes you to Tape Label Studio's расширенный режим где вы можете создавать полностью настраиваемые этикетки.

Design Labels - Color Styles Editor

Design Labels - Border Styles Editor

Design Labels - Templates Editor

Design Labels - Info Label Editor

Design Labels - LabelDescriptions Editor

Miscellaneous - Printer Calibration

Miscellaneous - Options

Miscellaneous - License

Miscellaneous - About

Miscellaneous - Send Feedback


Select this menu item to close Tape Label Studio. If you have any unsaved work left Tape Label Studio will ask you to save or dismiss any changes made.

Light and Dark Theme

Close Main Menu

Click this button to close the main menu.