Wybór wyrównania

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Wybór wyrównania
Search alignments Selected alignment Ok Button Close Button

Search alignments

To jest pole wyszukiwania. Wpisz tutaj, aby przefiltrować poniższą listę.

Selected alignment

This is the currently selected alignment option. You can choose any alignment in the list by selecting it.

Przycisk OK

Kliknij przycisk OK, aby zastosować wprowadzone zmiany.

Przycisk Zamknij

Kliknij przycisk zamykania, aby opuścić okno dialogowe bez stosowania żadnych zmian.

Additional information

Tape Label Studio offers numerous alignment options.

Depending on the alignment option you choose other available options may vary. When using an option without labeldescription support you will not see a labeldescription even you provided it. On the other hand, some alignment options with label description support do not allow color style options. Alignment options are built in and cannot be edited, extended or otherwise modified.