Editor de Descrições de Rótulos

Fileserver backup? Webserver backup? Maybe the database? Personal data from the management board? LabelDescriptions help you tell the difference!


LabelDescriptions are part of the labels you use on your tapes. It’s a small text or image that helps you tell the difference of data on your tapes or to keep tapes from different tenants or companies apart. With LabelDescriptions you can add any custom text or predefined templates like date and time, the number of labels in the set and many more.

Quanto isso custa?

LabelDescriptions shipped with Tape Label Studio can be used in all editions.
Customization of LabelDescriptions with the Editor is included in the Professional and Enterprise editions of Tape Label Studio.

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Preciso de mais?

Customizar bordas de rótulo, modelos de etiquetas e InfoLabels.